

Justin Michau

I think back to elementary school.. joining after school drawing classes, trying to scratch this itch for creativity that was birthed in me. From the beginning I have thrived on being creative. I’ve always been a huge fan of the images that grace the covers of magazines and newspapers. I have a background in graphic design and appreciate how images can tell stories with little or no words. The images that often strike a chord in me are those that simply capture real life. I’m in constant search for documenting life. I enjoy any opportunity to get hands on with what I’m preserving through my lens. It may be arranging a fork differently.  Or asking a couple to give me a REAL moment. I want to you to share with me the frames of life that you cherish when others aren’t looking. The way you hold your fiance’s arm or the way you have a passion for ___________. Ultimately, I want to tell a story. My Story. Your story.

Thanks for showing an interest in something I love to do. Hopefully our stories will cross!

Justin Michau