Meet the Irvin's! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH TAHOE! At least once a day I think about how amazing Tahoe was and try to figure out which crime to commit to purchase a holiday home there. Thanks a lot Kelsey! This trip was just fantastic. It was the last trip for Marla and I before our young lady came along and we treated it that way! (My brute of a wife hiked Maggie Peak like there was no tomorrow!) We had such a great time exploring the area and truly enjoyed our time with Kelsey and Michael. What a great and intriguing couple! Kelsey is an artist in sunny California and her husband is an art dealer! Needless to say they have super taste! The wedding took place at a lakeside home. Their attention to detail...WOW! We spent a few days shooting with them so this post will be slightly different in that I am only exposing their big day...FOR NOW! (Wait til you see our time at Emerald Bay) (BTW, K & M made their own invitations, vow books, and guestbook. Check them out.)
Thanks Kelsey and Michael for letting us be a part of such an amazing time in your lives!