It's Monday evening. Nurses shuffle around tending to beeps and changing bags. In the down time, chatting about their home life and favorite foods. We're 4 days in from what was one of my darkest days. Thursday morning came and went. We showed up at 7:30am to meet with the surgeon and anesthesiologists just before handing her over. The morning went pretty well, all things considered. We waited and waited. Then within moments a the Dr. came in and the nurse and swept her away in a nice warm blanket which made her GOO as we said goodbye. There were tense moments that day. Waiting for confirmation that everything was going well at the halfway mark and the call into the hall by the surgeon, just to name a few. She looked amazing. As beautiful as ever. I immediately began rubbing her little fuzzy little head. We were through. Then the waiting began. Now at day 4, we have been through many sections of the roller coaster. I had psyched myself for an event to happen but didn't know when it would come. It came yesterday. Sitting in this chair, every siren began to wail. The nurse began calling in backups and people came running. I was helpless and watching this happen like a fly on the wall. After moments, which seemed like days, she was back to normal. As of today we are on the upswing. There are talks of extubating tomorrow and we've made progress today with weaning. After coming off of a paralytic and 2 types of sedation she is now able to connect with us. It's great to see her eyes again and see those little chubby legs kicking. Unfortunately with the progress comes more of the hard things. Like looking at us and crying with the noise being blocked by the breathing tube and the inability to just scoop her up and let her know that she's just fine. We're moving forward though. We can see the end in sight, hoping to possibly be released Thursday or Friday. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Now take a look at one tough cookie...