Life ~ In Da Studio
So, the category of "LIFE" should hold post's that let you in on what I'm up to. Well, some of you may know I play in a band. Brothers McClurg, as we are now formally known are at a exciting point in our career. We recently signed with Integrity Records and are now in the studio recording a new album. For the frosting on the cake, we are recording at the Goo Goo Dolls Studio in Buffalo. It's like the Disney land of soundboards, amps, fine woods, boutiqueness, holy goodness! Needless to say, I can hardly stand it! I feel extremely blessed to be able to play with the guys in this band, on this label, in this studio! I'm slightly behind on posting but my goal is to show some shots from each day. I will keep you posted on our progress. Just over a week til Christmas!!