Life ~ It Was A Goal...
It was a goal for this year, but I would have never guessed it would have have happened this quick! While working on branding for one of my friends at home on Friday, I received a call that had Jaker (my cat Jake) running with my response. I did wait until I got off the phone to let it out but it was a highlight of my life. The call was from Adirondack Life Magazine. Let's start with the fact that I think the Adirondacks is one of the most amazing places on earth. I would live there, In a heartbeat. I've made many trips there and am on my way to hiking all 46 hi peaks. SO with my love for the ADKS came my love of the Adirondack Life Mag. It's like a..."here's what's happening at your home while you're in Batavia" for me. So when I realized, "Hey, they have a Photo Contest", I was like, "that'd be sweet!". So I entered a few shots. The lovely lady on the other end of the phone was calling to inform me that I was a finalist for the competition and that my image (below) would be published in the April 2010 Issue. Keeping the suspense alive, they don't tell you what place you're in, which I can appreciate. So as I sit anticipating the April issue and marking off "get a photo published in a Mag in 2010", I am overjoyed and honored to have been chosen, regardless of the placement. So stay tuned to find out the results. God is Good! Have a great Monday.