Every now and again, I find myself saying..."Oh Life". Sometimes it hits me how interesting, crazy, ridiculous, and amazing life can be. There are so many scenarios it offers. I find it interesting that I can get so wrapped up in what I think it should be and forget about those the blessings and growth that come with the unforeseen. When Fabienne came along we began one of those growth spurts. From birth to feeding tubes to Trisomy 21 to heart surgery, Marla has proved to be more of an incredible woman than I'd ever imagined. She's just the most beautiful person I know. An incredible life mate, who just happens to be gorgeous and always game for anything. It's always a treat to be able to see her through the eyes of the camera and freeze life for a moment. Marla, you inspire me to be a better person and I'm truly thankful to be doing life with you. I Love & Appreciate You Friend. P.S. ~ Faba loves you too!