This was a long time coming! These guys have had he pleasure of doing life together for a while now! I always wondered when Brennan would pull the trigger, and I wondered no more when he invited my little family along for a pop the question trip. It was a treat to be there with the two of them. One super nervous. The other super excited (she knew, that bum!). Here we are in a foot of snow at a winter wonderland, in the midst of thousands and thousands of Christmas lights and snowmen when he knelt down and made her the happiest woman alive. What a special moment! Fast forward 6 months... Same crew and a similar situation where we find ourselves knee high in wild vetch with the couch from HEAVEN (thanks Cait)! Minutes before this fine piece of furniture was nestled in the loving room, now, nestled in the midst of a purple fairytale! See our friend Tara had business to take care of (a 40 something day trip to Ireland & Paris) so I figured it was now or never. Other than Brennan and I constantly snotting ourselves due to our allergy attacks, it was one stellar evening. Thanks for letting me be a part of all your hitching occasions! Can't wait til the wedding! Happy Friday to you all.