Weddings // Portraits. Documenting life in New York // Interstate // International.

Again | The Toshs

Sometimes clients make it too easy. I received an email from Charissa explaining their upcoming anniversary and how they wanted to play dress up in their wedding attire from 5 years ago! (And all the women say..."Go Girl".) We were in a race with the new little Tosh that Charissa is carrying around now. See, we have a unique bond with these guys. We were Birthing Class Buddies and each week had to do lots of whispering and listened to poems about bunnies and purring cats and things of that nature. Go Bradley! Let's just say D.J. and I had to exercise restraint each and every week from snotting everywhere with laughter. (I was a good coach BTW) SO when I heard of the plan, I was so game. The evening when Charissa and D.J. showed up at my house I knew this would be epic. So here's the evening where they play wedding, AGAIN.